电话:15261880361 E-mail:faylee@njtech.edu.cn
2019.7至今 南京工业大学,副教授
2016.4至2019.7 南京工业大学,助理教授
2010.9至2015.12 天津大学&加州大学洛杉矶分校,博士(联培)
2006.9至2010.7 合肥工业大学,本科
Building Simulation青年编委
[1] 国家自然科学基金(51708286): 非连续通风下多区建筑内污染物正反计算模型研究。(主持);
[2] 江苏省自然科学基金(BK20171015)(主持);
[3] 国家博士后面上项目(No. 2019M651818): 城市风环境下污染源的无人机群多场协同辨识研究(主持);
[4] 国家博士后国际交流计划学术交流项目(主持):Building Simulation 2019 Conference, Rome, Italy;
[1] Kang Zhou, Fei Li*, Hao Cai, Yuanqi Jing, Junyi Zhuang, Mo Li, Zheli Xing. Estimation of the Natural Gas Leakage Source with Different Monitoring Sensor Networks in an Underground Utility Tunnel: from the perspectives of energy security. Energy & Buildings, Accepted.
[2] Mo Li, Fei Li*, Yuanqi Jing, Kai Zhang, Hao Cai, Lufang Chen, Xian Zhang, Lihang Feng*. Estimation of pollutant source strength in multi-zone buildings through different deconvolution algorithms. Building Simulation, 2021.
[3] Junyi Zhuang, Fei Li*, Xiaoran Liu, Hao Cai, Lihang Feng, Xianting Li. An experiment-based impulse response method to characterize airborne pollutant sources in a scaled multi-zone building[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 251.
[4] Kang Zhou, Fei Li*, Hao Cai, Yibin Yang, Fusheng Peng, Li Chen, Junyi Zhuang. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Gas Diffusion under an Urban Underground Construction[J]. Energy and Built Environment, 2020.
[5] Huifang Liu, Hengjie Zheng, Fei Li*, Hao Cai. A hybrid model for predicting window opening state in buildings based on non-intrusive monitoring. Indoor and Built Environment, 2020.
[6] Fei Li, Xiaoran Liu, Jinxiang Liu*, Hao Cai, Haidong Wang, Kai Zhang, Chunxiang Dai. Solutions to mitigate the impact of measurement noise on the air pollution source strength estimation in a multi-zone building[J]. Building Simulation , 2020.
[7] Fei Li, Hao Cai*, Jiheng Xu, Kai Zhang, Qilin Feng, Haidong Wang. Gas distribution mapping for indoor environments based on laser absorption spectroscopy: Development of an improved tomographic algorithm[J]. Building and Environment, 2020.
[8] Junyi Zhuang, Fei Li*, Feifei Dong, Jianlin Ren, Bin Zhou. Development and evaluation of a particle deposition measurement method based on a CCD imaging chip[J]. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2020, 20: 291–296.
[9] 李斐*, 郑恒杰, 周斌, 刘晓冉, 张恺. 陈晨建筑室内人员开窗行为的驱动因素及模型算法综述[J].制冷与空调,2020(1).
[1] 景源琪, 孙煜霄, 李斐*, 周斌. 基于PM2.5浓度复原数据的建筑自然通风量测量 [C]. 2021年第十二届全国通风技术学术年会, 线上.
[2] 韩寿旭, 李斐*, 庄俊亿, 李茉. 基于无人机测绘建模的建筑风场模拟[C]. 第二届华人能源与人工环境国际学术会议, 中国. 成都.
[3] 李斐*, 庄俊亿, 刘晓冉. 基于脉冲响应法对多区域建筑缩尺模型的污染源辨识 [C]. 2020年中国环境科学学会, 中国, 南京.
[4] Fei Li*, Junyi Zhuang, Xiaoran Liu. Identification of the pollutant source in a scale multi-zone building through the impulse response method [C]. INDOOR AIR 2020, Online.
[1]李斐; 王瑜; 周斌; 一种基于马尔科夫链的非稳态流场下污染源逆向识别算法, 2020-09-08, 中国, 2017103101116. (发明专利)
[2]李斐; 蔡浩; 陈武双; 冯李航; 张恺; 一种三维空间气体浓度分布测量装置及方
法, 2020-09-25, 中国, 2020201607224. (实用新型专利)
[3]李斐; 黄婧婧; 武思静; 褚磊驰; 郑恒杰; 刘晓冉; 基于红外热成像技术的冷热
风渗透量定量测量方法, 2021-02-19, 中国, 201811429984X. (发明专利)
[4] 王瑜; 周斌; 李斐; 一种中央空调风道内军团菌微生物过滤系统及其过滤方法, 2020-02-14, 中国, 201610991406X. (发明专利)